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hr:brix:web_shop_integration [31/07/2019 10:00]
Zoran Spoja
hr:brix:web_shop_integration [24/10/2019 13:33]
Zoran Spoja [Web Shop Integration]
Redak 1: Redak 1:
-====== Web Shop Integracija ====== +[[en:brix:]] 
- +====== Web Shop Integration ======
 +  * When importing customers from the web shop, Brix checks the existance of the customer (partner) in Brix using the email address:
 +    * If there is a customer (partner) in Brix with an identical email adress it will use that customer (partner).
 +    * If the customer in the web shop does not have an email adress, a new customer (partner) will be entered into Brix.
 +  * After the import of items from the web shop their data and their variations **must** be checked and ammended properly. Specially in regard to the //{UoM}//, //{Control Quantity}//, //{Conversion Factor}//,  //{Stocks}// and //{Sellable}//. Incorrect data will cause errors when the invoice is approved.

Više o proizvodima i uslugama na internetskim stranicama MICRO PROCESS.
hr/brix/web_shop_integration.txt · Zadnja izmjena: 24/10/2019 13:35 od Zoran Spoja